How Much Computing Power is Too Much Power?

How Much Computing Power is Too Much Power?

We all are obsessed with power…well, in this case, computing power. How much power do you need in a computer? First, let’s define speed and capacity. The speed of the processor and the RAM (read-only memory) capacity are the two indicators of speed. Speed is usually...
Video Conferencing Etiquette

Video Conferencing Etiquette

Ok, there are Roberts Rules of Order, Miss Manners and your mother’s rules.  While they are all good, they may not fit the situation you need in a particular setting. Take, for example, how to behave on a video conference call or meeting.  There are acceptable...
Are You Really Reducing Paper?

Are You Really Reducing Paper?

The whole discussion of reducing paper by using technology has a variety of outcomes and directions.  Now we are talking about reducing paper, not recycling.  That’s a different story.  When one is reducing paper that means they are foregoing using paper. So,...