Are You Really Reducing Paper?

Are You Really Reducing Paper?

The whole discussion of reducing paper by using technology has a variety of outcomes and directions.  Now we are talking about reducing paper, not recycling.  That’s a different story.  When one is reducing paper that means they are foregoing using paper. So,...
How Can Your Technology Provider Make You Money?

How Can Your Technology Provider Make You Money?

How can your technology provider make you money?   Are you paying your staff to handle technology issues that could be handled more effectively by your tech support company? In this age of outsourcing can you certainly save money by partnering with the right IT...
That Remote Feeling

That Remote Feeling

So, you’ve got a growing company in a fast-moving industry and a whole herd of remote sales people. How do you keep track of them and make sure that they have the tools they need to sell? And that those tools work? “We have over 65 sales people working remotely,”...
Somebody Throw Me a Life Preserver

Somebody Throw Me a Life Preserver

We’ve all done it—gotten complacent. We are cruising along using our information technology systems, writing this, posting that, producing documents and compiling data. Then it happens. Crash. Yup, your hard-drive crashed. And with it all of the data you had for your...